Advisor Role Description

HBA Ambassador Program Advisors are HBA members who are experienced professional coaches and industry leaders in their careers, and HBA-trained volunteers, who are assigned to guide and support Ambassador Programs. Each program is assigned two HBA Advisors, who meet regularly with each program’s executive committee and attend cohort/group initiative meetings after the program launch.

Job description:

  • Involved in pre-Launch conversations and participate in the program Launch (as able, attending at least the introduction)
  • Encourage the participants in the Ambassador mindset of self-direction, taking on an informal mentorship role providing their external guidance, ideas, and experience 
  • Assist in and guide the program executive committee through all stages of the running program (at to a lesser extent, the cohort and group initiatives), including but not limited to:
  1. Initial meetings to determine priorities and how to best work together
  2. Determining final group objectives (if needed), team and goal progress tracking
  3. Prioritization and organization
  4. Stakeholder engagement
  5. Progress evaluations and executive-level presentations (mid and year-end)
  6. Awareness of HBA tools and resources
  7. Advise on cohort calendar, professional development options and HBA engagement/collaboration opportunities
  8. Graduation planning
  9. Enhancing the cohort’s brand
  • Respond promptly to Program Excellence Manager (PEM) check-ins, providing necessary feedback on cohort progress. Proactively escalate issues to PEM as they arise and collaborate to ensure clarity about the program and expectations.
  • Provide relevant program updates in Operating Dashboard (Holaspirit)
  • Attend Global Ambassador Committee meetings as needed to stay abreast of new offerings, program improvements, HBA opportunities, and more.

    Time Commitment 

    Approximately 1-2 hours per month. Please note, in the first two months immediately following launch, Advisors may expect to commit closer to 3-4 hours guiding the newly formed executive committee (max 4 hours per month). 


    Return on Your Personal Investment

    Opportunity to play a key leadership role outside of your company and gain experience in advising a major HBA corporate partner(s). Build business connections and strategize with high level advocates of HBA and the Ambassador Program. Leverage and hone your leadership style. Sense of fulfilment/gratification as you mentor, guide and lift up the next generation of leaders.