Operating Board Secretary/Treasurer

The Operating Board Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for the overall operations and governance, accuracy of documents, management of the fiscal and financial needs. Acts as vice chair of geography nominating committee, administering succession planning and onboarding. Setting up and executing Op Board and Regional Leadership Meetings. 

Strategic responsibilities

  • Fiduciary responsibility for the geography and budget oversight, ensuring the appropriate funding is put towards geography and regional priorities based on strategic/growth plans, etc
  • Ensure adherence to HBA governance; recommendations for bylaws changes
  • Operating board administration and communications: maintenance of documents and document repository
  • Support the president in translating global strategy into an operational strategy in the regions; maintenance of annual operating plan
  • Development and oversight of Operating Board members

 Tactical responsibilities

  • Planning and execution of all Operating Board and RLC meetings
  • Geography nominating committee vice chair, supporting the administration of succession planning / onboarding
  • Adherence to HBA governance and bylaws; implementation of governance policies; suggestions for bylaw changes
  • In charge of budget planning cycle, suggestions for membership levels and pricing structures, and oversight of regional treasurers and budgets/profitability
  • Ensuring accuracy of board documents, including meeting minutes, updates to geography operating plan, etc and oversight of all written communications 
  • Coaching and feedback of team members
  • Sharing best practices with fellow operating board secretary/treasurers
  • Support thought leadership as needed

Critical Connections 

  • Geography leadership committee (operating board EC with regional council EC), especially regional treasurers
  • HBA staff
  • HBA Board secretary/treasurer
  • Fellow Operating Board secretary/treasurers
  • Corporate Partners (as needed)

Meeting requirements

  • In-person operating board retreat: cadence driven by board strategic retreats. Likely Feb and July/Aug
  • Operating Board meetings 
  • Operating Board EC meetings
  • RLC meetings