MarComm Committee Roles and Responsibilities

Marketing and communications director at large

  • Leverages and ensures committee members leverage HBA marketing tools, messaging, and brand to increase awareness, interest and engagement in chapter

      Event promotion committee

  • Works with programming team to implement event marketing activities which optimize event success
  • Provides sizzle and spice to event titles and descriptions
  • Drives interest in events before, during and after
  • Critical success factor for chapter programs

Communications committee

  • Provides writing/content for chapter communications using HBA website and/or chapter Community
  • Works with regional communication team to set schedule and cadence for chapter communications

Social media committee

  • Supports event promotion and chapter communications
  • Works with regional social media team to use various social media channels to create/increase awareness and buzz around chapter news, activities, events, recognition, awards, etc.
  • Aligns and coordinates social media activity with other chapters in region, regional marketing team, HBA Central marketing team and Digital Innovators committee