How to cancel or reschedule an event

We know that sometimes things don't go according to plan and you may need to cancel or reschedule an event. Here are steps to help you accomplish this!

1) Notify your regional programming team and HBA Central at that your event should be cancelled or rescheduled. 

  • Please include the event title and event date in your email.
  • Also, be sure to reschedule your meeting (if held virtually) with Zoom, to ensure no conflicts occur. If your Zoom link changes, please include this in your email, so we can send the updated information to registrants.
  • If rescheduling, provide your new date and time. This is important because registrants can be transferred over to the new date automatically, if rescheduled.
  • HBA Central will send out a notice to registrants of the scheduling change.

2) If you do not have a new date/time selected yet, or if the event needs to be officially cancelled, HBA Central will take care of refunding monies paid and notifying registrants. If the event is rebooked at a later date in time, please re-submit your event through the HBA event set-up portal. Registrants will need to reregister on their own.

3) Be sure to work with your event speakers (if any) and sponsors (if any) to ensure everyone is aware and new dates/times work for all parties. 

If you have any additional questions - don't hesitate to email!