Companies often support HBA through event sponsorship. Sponsorship types are defined as follows:
- Cash sponsorship: where a company provides a sum of money towards the event.
- In-kind sponsorship or donations: where a company provides products, goods and services for the event (including but not limited to the event venue, food/beverage, AV, event security, etc) and no cash is exchanged. As a 501(c)(6) organization, the HBA must log and track all in-kind donations for auditing purposes so it is crucial not to miss this step.
Both in-person and virtual event sponsorship provides companies the opportunity:
- For company and brand visibility across the HBA global membership;
- To position the company as a thought leader, by selecting and curating the topic of their choice; and,
- To provide professional development for their own employees.
Any company can sponsor an HBA event and will receive a number of benefits in return for their support. The grid below outlines the HBA chapter/regional sponsorship packages for events for your reference and to standardize benefits across the organization. Event planning with your Regional Corporate Relations President (and sponsoring company) should begin 5-6 months prior to the event date.
To process any sponsorship, please follow the procedures and guidelines laid out in Event sponsorship definitions and processing procedures.
Please feel free to download this spreadsheet to see this chart in greater detail. The download also includes the charts broken out by in-person and virtual/hybrid opportunities, as well as a worksheet to calculate how many registrations a company should receive, based on their sponsorship level.
FINAL - Event Sponsorship Packages - 2023 .xlsx
In the rare case that you are soliciting 3 or more sponsors for an event, please contact for additional guidance.