The First 45 Days

This period is the most challenging for our Ambassadors, and where they need support from the HBA most, especially the Advisors. It is critical that Advisors show up in support of their cohorts and provide balanced coaching and guidance (without 'doing the work' for them).

During this time the Ambassadors are usually:

  • Selecting team leads
  • Refining group initiatives, charters
  • Conducting necessary research
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • And often conducting an MVP presentation: are the ideas viable?

In the first 45 days, the Ambassadors are experiencing leadership immersion for the first time. It is a grey area for them – many have never been in a position like this before. They may feel like they are moving blindly, so it is up to the HBA to help them navigate cross-functional collaboration, feel empowered to make decisions like selecting leaders independently and refine the ideas they will develop. 

This period is critical to:

  • Avoid disheartening: they need to feel supported and gently guided through. 
  • Instill the Ambassador mindset: embrace leadership immersion, explore innovative ideas, embrace self-discovery and growth. This challenging period is when most Ambassadors TRULY begin to feel like leaders and lean into their potential
  • And maintain launch momentum.

The HBA Global Ambassador Program heavily relies on our Advisors during this period – you play a pivotal role in facilitating, fostering rapport, and empowering Ambassadors on the journey. So what can you do to support them?

Key Tactics/Strategies Advisors Can Employ to Assist Ambassadors Through the First 45 Days of the Program:

Introduction and Qualifications:

  • Clearly introduce yourself and highlight your role and qualifications within the program.
  • Consider initiating a Fireside Chat with your fellow advisor to foster familiarity and understanding among the cohort.

Proactive Guidance:

  • Offer proactive support to Ambassadors during their initial 45 days, recognizing it as the most challenging period for them.
  • Provide guidance tailored to their specific needs during this crucial phase of leadership immersion.

Facilitate Executive Committee Meetings:

  • Lead and facilitate vital initial meetings in collaboration with the Champions to establish expectations and set the program's tone.
  • Help Ambassadors in selecting team leads and refining group initiatives and charters during these meetings.

Establish Rapport:

  • Build rapport through initial interactions to cultivate trust and comprehension among Ambassadors.
  • Be approachable and available to address any concerns or uncertainties Ambassadors may have about their leadership roles.

Balanced Coaching:

  • Provide balanced coaching to empower Ambassadors while honoring their autonomy and decision-making capacity.
  • Guide Ambassadors in conducting necessary research and encourage cross-functional collaboration to enhance their initiatives.

Manage Group Dynamics:

  • Identify and nurture engagement among Ambassadors to foster a supportive group dynamic conducive to learning and collaboration.
  • Assist Ambassadors in pulling together MVP presentations to evaluate the viability of their ideas and refine them accordingly.

Navigate Challenges:

  • Help Ambassadors navigate challenges related to initiative refinement, approval processes, and other hurdles they may encounter.
  • Support Ambassadors in feeling empowered to make decisions independently, such as selecting leaders and refining their ideas.

Critical Period Objectives:

  • Prevent disheartening by providing consistent support and gentle guidance to Ambassadors.
  • Instill the Ambassador mindset by encouraging them to embrace leadership immersion, explore innovative ideas, and engage in self-discovery and growth.
  • Maintain launch momentum by empowering Ambassadors to overcome challenges and stay focused on their objectives.

This framework emphasizes the crucial role of Advisors in supporting Ambassadors through the challenging initial phase of the program, ensuring their success and fostering their growth as leaders.