HBA volunteer email signature

HBA's volunteer leaders are ambassadors and faces of our united force for change brand. For brand and organizational consistency and to ensure HBA stakeholders understand who you are when you reach out, we ask all HBA volunteers to utilize an HBA email signature when sending HBA-related emails. Below is a template that can be saved as one of your email signatures for ease in HBA business.

A few important notes:

  • Use only Tahoma or Palatino Linotype at 10 or 11 point fonts
  • Spell out words, avoid abbreviations
  • Please ensure your HBA title fits the format listed in the examples (i.e. HBA region/chapter/component followed by role title (president, regional director, director-at-large, etc) then function or focus area)

Email signature template:

Firstname Lastname

HBA Region/Chapter Role Title, Function/Focus Area | Healthcare Businesswomen's Association

Work job title, Company name 

Preferred phone | Preferred email 

Usage examples:

Suzie Curlers

HBA Midwest President, Membership Experience | Healthcare Businesswomen's Association

VP, Important Things | XYZ Healthcare Company 

+1 555 555 1234 | scurlers@exampledomain.com

Daniel Exampleman

HBA Milan Director at Large, Marketing and Communications | Healthcare Businesswomen's Association

Director, Awesomeness | ABC Healthcare Company 

+39 11 111 111 | daniel.e@exampledomain.com

Alyssa Namestein

HBA Miami Committee Chair, Corporate Engagement, Southeast Region | Healthcare Businesswomen's Association

Manager, Stupendous Activities  | LMNOP Healthcare Company 

+1 555 555 5678 | alyssa@exampledomain.com

Optional additions:

HBA logo w no text: