What's the difference between a PEM and an Account Manager?

There are a few differences between an HBA Account Manager and a PEM, though there are some similarities as well. While the PEM role can appear like an account manager in a general sense, as they are assigned to manage the relationship with a particular account, their function is specific to the Global Ambassador Program. 

A Program Excellence Manager:An HBA Account Manager:
  • Are member leaders volunteering their time
  • Are paid HBA Central staff
  • Manage the relationship with program contacts
  • Manage the relationship with partnership contacts at the global level
  • Scope is specific to the Global Ambassador Program
  • Scope includes all HBA partnership, programs, event, etc offerings of the HBA
  • Goal is to increase satisfaction and engagement with the Global Ambassador Program, and GAP program/ALC sales as needed
  • Goal is to increase engagment/satisfaction with the partner, retain the partner, solicit sponsorship sales 
  • Assigned to between 1-3 companies
  • Assigned 15-20+ companies