Your first stop as a regional leader for help, guidance or to answer questions should be here, in the Volunteer Resource Center. If you cannot find what you are looking for after using the search bar, please click the "no, submit my request" button at the bottom of the screen and complete the form, including your question.
Your question will then be submitted to HBA Central who will contact you directly to help, and add the answer to this resource center to better help others in the future.
If you need strategic planning guidance from HBA Central, please contact the following:
- Branches/Chapter/Regions: Barbara Bull
- Corporate relations, Member and Volunteer Experience: Lauren Peck
- Finance: Malissa Quarterman
- Marketing and Communications: Marketing staff
- Events & Education: Events staff
- Member Value Offerings (mentoring, affinities, etc): Michelle Morse
If you're unsure, please contact and your inquiry will be directed to the correct individual.