Volunteer application approval - detailed steps

*Please note, only Regional Membership and Volunteer Experience Leadership has access to volunteer application viewing/approvals in the HBA Community. Chapters, please work with your Regional leadership to fill open roles. Global Affinity Groups, please work with HBA Central staff, volunteer@hbanet.org.

Step 1: Log in to the HBA website and go to the community

Step 2: Visit your regional member community and click on "manage opportunities volunteer" under volunteer settings (you will be required to log in if you are not already): 


Step 3: From the landing page with a list of all opportunities, find the opportunity for which you received an email and click on the link next to “awaiting approval”:

Step 4: Find the applicant that just applied (if there are multiple for that opportunity) and click “view application”:

Step 5: From the window that pops up with the application, select all relevant text, right-click to "print," and save as PDF. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the application fields directly into the body of an email 

Step 6: Send the application to the appropriate individual(s) (for example, this is a marketing committee role, and the chapter marketing DAL appoints their committee members.)

Step 7: Mark the application approved (or rejected) based on the response from the approving parties. Approval in the system is what provides access to: 

  • Communities associated with the role
  • Reports and functions via their HBA profile
  • Adds them to the board page associated with the role

Note: clicking "approve selected" will send an email to the applicant with the information below. Choosing "reject selected" does not notify them - please be sure a member of the appropriate approving team follows up with anyone not selected for the role they applied for. 

Dear (first name), 

You've been approved for (insert role). Access to resources associated with your role has been granted.
We recommend you take a moment to review and bookmark our Resource Center, which is our on-demand repository for HBA volunteer training materials, quick-reference guides, and onboarding tools. It was created to enhance the value of all our volunteer’s experiences, regardless of their role or level of leadership, and optimize your success with a fantastic search feature to help you find exactly what you need exactly when you need it without needing to log in to your profile on the HBA website.
 As a reminder, details about this opportunity can be found on HBA Community.
 Thank you for your willingness to lend yourself to further the advancement and impact of women in the business of healthcare.
 Please let me know if you have any questions,

Katie Cammer
 Senior manager, growth and expansion
 Healthcare Businesswomen's Association