Digital Badges

What are the benefits of a digital badge?

  • A web-enabled version of your achievements that can be shared online and in your email signature
  • A more efficient way of posting to social media platforms
  • When someone clicks on the badge, they are brought to a page that includes a description of the award, the date it was received, and an excerpt from the award nomination (if included in badge information submission in step 1 below)

How does it work?

  1. Engagement and Affinity Group leaders submit awardee information here (the “awards” section of the HBA profile), and HBA will issue the digital badge
  2. Recipient will receive an email inviting her/him to claim the badge
  3. Recipient will be directed to click the link in the email
  4. Recipient creates an account on the Acclaim site
  5. Recipient claims the badge and start sharing it on their platforms of choice