HBA staff

HBA is almost entirely volunteer-led, but we have a few staff members to support and guide our volunteer leaders and provide support for the organization's growth and success. 

All current staff members, their biographies and contact information is available by clicking here.

For Help With....


Event/program planningevents@hbanet.org 
Event registration issuesevents@hbanet.org 

Event setup questions


Existing corporate partnerships

corporatepartners@hbanet.org (HBA account management team)

Expense reports/regional budgets

hbachptrinvoices@hbanet.org (HBA finance staff)
Individual membership questionsmembership@hbanet.org 
Marq (formerly LucidPress) helpmarketing@hbanet.org 

Recruitment Events (Meet the HBA, Making the Most of your HBA Membership)

Petrina Hurtado - phurtado@hbanet.org

Membership/volunteer engagement

Petrina Hurtado - phurtado@hbanet.org

New location inquiries


New Corporate Partnership inquiries

Danielle Trauma - dtrauma@hbanet.org

Social Media helpmarketing@hbanet.org 

Updating Website


Volunteer Awards
Petrina Hurtado - phurtado@hbanet.org

Volunteer questions (access to reports, community, etc.)
