Leadership Appointments and Terms

All volunteers must be members in good standing of the HBA.

  • Operating board directors: co-interview by Operating Board president and HBA Central representative; appointment by Operating Board President
    • Term: Two years (option for an additional consecutive two-year term; four years total)
  • Regional executive committee: interview and appointment by Operating Board executive committee and HBA Central liaison
    • Term: Two years (option for an additional consecutive two-year term; four years total)
  • Regional presidents: interview and appointment by regional executive committee and HBA Central functional staff lead
    • Term: Two years (option for an additional consecutive two-year term; four years total)
  • Regional vice presidents: interview and appointment by the regional president for the function, and the regional executive committee if needed
    • Term: Two years (option for an additional consecutive two-year term; four years total)
  • Regional directors: interview and appointment by the regional president for the function
    • Term: Two years (option for additional two consecutive two-year term for specific role; six years total)
  • Chapter executive committee: interview and appointment by regional executive committee
    • Term: Two years (option for an additional consecutive two-year term; four years total)
  • Chapter directors-at-large: interview and appointment by chapter executive committee
    • Term: Two years (option for additional two consecutive two-year term for specific role; six years total)
  • Chapter committee members: interview and appointment by functional director-at-large
    • Term: Two years (option for additional two consecutive two-year term for specific role; six years total)