Affinity Group Role Descriptions

Role descriptions for the Affinity Group leadership team.


Global Affinity Group Chair Role Description
This role serves as the leader of the affinity group at a global level, driving strategy for their group across the organization, providing member value offerings and acting as a resource to HBA regions and chapters. Reports directly to the Deputy C...
Global Affinity Group Deputy Chair Role Description
The Affinity Group Deputy Chair serves as second-in-command to the Global Affinity Chair and is responsible for overseeing the implementation of strategic priorities, assisting with group operations and strategic planning. The deputy chair is inter...
Global Affinity Group Member Engagement Director Role Description
Responsible for d eveloping a strategic engagement plan for the Affinity Group and  creating a sense of belonging and driving value among group members, especially via the HBA Community to position it as a true internal resource group for members. ...
Affinity Group Education and Events Director Role Description
Responsible for determining group member educational priorities, developing an affinity group educational plan, leveraging and cross-promoting HBA events relevant to the group membership and eventually executing educational events to fill developm...
Affinity Group Marketing and Communications Director Role Description
Responsible for all internal and external marketing and communications, promotional activities and graphic design, and developing a strategic marketing/communications plan for the Affinity Group and all activities.  Using Marq, design material...
Affinity Group Regional Liaison Role Description
A member of an affinity group’s global leadership team , specifically dedicated to being the resource for their assigned region(s). This leader is responsible for pushing Affinity Group (AG) information down to the regional Member Value Offerings (...