HBA Policies


Affinity Groups
HBA maintains a defined set of affinity groups that address the needs and deliver value to subgroups within our membership population. Affinity group participation is a member value add. Effective setup and leadership of these groups are critical to...
Corporate Relations
The purpose of these corporate relations policies is to document the policies and procedures governing all Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association’s compontents, including regions, chapters, and volunteer committees. These policies and pr...
Financial Policy
The purpose of these financial policies is to document the policies and procedures governing the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association’s affiliates, chapters and regional volunteer committees with regards to financial transactions. Thes...
Leadership Appointments and Terms
All volunteers must be members in good standing of the HBA . Operating board directors : co-interview by Operating Board president and HBA Central representative; appointment by Operating Board President Term: Two years (option for an additi...
Marketing and Communications
Social media  The HBA Central staff will maintain a list of social media user names and passwords for all accounts so that a master list is available. This central repository of accounts will help new volunteers when they transition into...
Member Pricing
The membership pricing policy is in place to ensure a consistent pricing strategy across the organization. Membership pricing is set to align with our financial goals and reflect the value proposition of membership in the HBA.  Policy Deta...
Programming and Events
All leaders are responsible for understanding and abiding by the policies herein and ensuring that their committees understand and abide by them. Adherence to education and events policies is required to maintain chapter certification. Quarte...
Recruitment (Member Engagement) Events
Membership Event Policy  The membership event policy is designed to guide chapter and regional member engagement volunteers on how they might drive membership engagement within their chapter or region through in-person and virtual events foc...
Volunteer Recognition
The volunteer recognition policy exists to standardize the awards which are given to volunteers to create consistency, increase awareness of the awards, and increase prestige by ensuring a strong brand for the awards. Policy Details Award Cr...