Membership Events


Meet the HBA Events
Meet the HBA events are sessions designed primarily to attract new members and/or recapture former members. They are complimentary, small events, with no expenses or revenue. They are open to members and nonmembers. An example of this event type mig...
Lunch and Learns
Event Content A Lunch and Learn is an event coordinated between a local HBA chapter/region and a company to raise awareness of HBA within an organization. HBA volunteers deliver these sessions to the company's employees to provide them with: ...
Making the Most of Your HBA Membership (Orientations)
Event Logistics Making the Most of Your HBA Membership events can be held in person or virtually - they are open to members and nonmembers, and are free. No costs can be incurred for these events (in-kind sponsorships are allowed - for example, com...