The Business Development Regional Director seeks and coordinates venues/space for local events and flagship/event sponsorship efforts for non-Corporate Partner companies. Responsible for soliciting new sponsors and Corporate Partners within the territory and transitioning newly engaged Corporate Partners to the Corporate Engagement team. Reports to the regional Corporate Relations Center of Excellence President.
Regional Director role responsibilities
- Maintains a committee (or committees) of volunteers to assist with strategy-setting, planning and activity implementation to deliver on committee expectations.
- Collaborates with regional Engagement committees to identify and satisfy specific volunteer needs; actively invites members from across the region (and beyond) to participate on their committee.
- Ensures all committee members are trained and have access to required materials for their role. Ensures committee members deliver on committee expectations with high quality and professionalism and ensures committee volunteers comply with all HBA standards and policies.
- Aligns committee planning, goals and activities with other relevant regional committees, chapters and HBA central.
- Establishes committee meeting frequency, defines participation expectations and chairs committee meetings.
- Attends to succession planning, developing the next wave of committee or regional leaders.
- Participates in COE, Chapter and/or regional meetings as needed to ensure alignment of activities.
- Actively participates on functional calls with HBA staff and ensure information is shared with committee in a timely manner.
- Manages committee budget, where appropriate
- Responsible for reporting committee plans and status and data to COE President.
Business Development responsibilities
- Finds venues/space and/or sponsors from companies who have sponsored or hosted an event with HBA before for Chapter, Regional and/or Flagship events
- Companies in the region who have hosted or sponsored events previously, or
- New prospect companies
- Develop strategies to deepen corporate relationships
o With companies who have hosted or sponsored events previous but who are not yet Corp Partners.
- With companies who are brand new to HBA
- Transition new Corp Partners, or newly engaged Corp Partners, to corporate engagement team
- Coordination with the programming COE to understand regional/chapter sponsorship needs and align planning, goals and activities
- Provide timely, current company information and engagement activity status.
Time requirements
Regional leaders spend time a) managing their designated committees, b) participating on their designated leadership team (e.g. Center of Excellence) and c) interacting with other leaders in the same role across the association.
Roles generally require about 10 hours per month. Estimated activities are as follows:
- 4-8 hrs per month managing their committees: setting and reviewing plans and progress, coaching leaders, ensuring volunteers are trained and ready for their role
- 2 hrs per month in Board or COE leader meetings: sharing and coordinating plans and progress; longer term planning and budgeting
- 1-2 hrs per month interacting with their role peer group: sharing innovations, discussing new policies and best practices